Converting existing bind9 and dhcpd to dynamic dns

Posted: 2008-06-08

I have a working dns (bind9) and dhcpd running on my home lan. This adds dynamic dns updates from dhcpd to bind9.

The following is mostly based on Kudos til Trygve Laugstøl for assistance too :)


First - generate a key to use:

dnssec-keygen -a hmac-md5 -b 128 -n USER dhcpupdate

This generates two files - you want the key from the *.key file - the last string on the line - will look like an md5.


Now - update bind. I use debian's basic setup - so my edits are in /etc/bind/named.conf.local

Add to the file

key dhcpupdate {
  algorithm hmac-md5;
  secret "your key - keep the quotes here";

Then to each of the zone statements add

allow-update { key dhcpupdate; };

Here are my two zones updated:

zone "" {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/";
        allow-update { key dhcpupdate; };


zone "" {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/";
        allow-update { key dhcpupdate; };

Make sure that the bind process can write to the location on disk where the zone files are - it will need to write the journal files there. In my case chmod g+w /etc/bind was needed.

####Testing bind9

Restart bind and then use the nsupdate command

This is based on my setup -

# nsupdate
> server localhost
> key dhcpupdate thekeygoesherenoquotes
> update add 600 IN PTR
> send
> update add 600 IN A
> send

The site linked above has more info on what errors you can get and what they often mean.


NOTE - I am running debian stable (etch). And I was using the dhcp package - this is 2.0 - way too old. Install dhcp3-server and purge dhcp or this simply won't work.

To the top of my dhcpd.conf file I added the following (note that the authoritative line is due to upgrading dhcp from v2 to v3):

ddns-update-style interim;

update-static-leases on;


key dhcpupdate {
  algorithm hmac-md5;
  secret the-key-goes-here-no-quotes-this-time;

zone {
  primary localhost;
  key dhcpupdate;

zone {
  primary localhost;
  key dhcpupdate;

I have my home domain in a group:

group {
    option subnet-mask;
    option routers;
    option domain-name-servers;
    option domain-name      "";
    ddns-domainname "";

All that has changed here is the added ddns-domainname line.

And for each host where I allocate fixed IP based on mac - add a ddns-hostname. For example:

host slippen {
  hardware ethernet 00:16:CB:B9:F5:B6;
  ddns-hostname "slippen";

Finally - for the dhcp range for non-fast IP addresses:

            ddns-hostname = binary-to-ascii(10, 8, "-", leased-address);
            ddns-domainname = "";

Hint - if your bind9 process listens to the internet then you must look at protecting ddns updates - probably with bind's controls{} syntax.